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37 titels gevonden

Titel Schrijver Prijs Datum
Montague Grammar Partee, D. €16,25 Bekijk
The Evolution of Communication Marc D. (Harvard University) Hauser €15,00 Bekijk
The Psychology of Language: From Data to Theory Harley, Trevor A. €15,00 Bekijk
Uniquely Human - The Evolution of Speech, Thought & Selfless Behavior Lieberman, Philip €14,50 Bekijk
Cartesian Linguistics - A Chapter in the History of Rationalist Thought Chomsky, Noam (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) €14,50 Bekijk
Lingua ex Machina - Reconciling Darwin & Chomsky with the Human Brain Calvin, William €11,50 Bekijk
Chinese Characters L. Wieger €11,00 Bekijk
Studies in Formal Semantics: Intensionality, Temporality, Negation (North-Holland Linguistic Series # 35) Guenthner, Franz (Editor) €11,00 Bekijk
Words and Rules: The Ingredients of Language Pinker, Steven €9,65 Bekijk
Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics Lyons, John €8,95 Bekijk
The Symbolic Species: The Co Evolution Of Language And The Human Brain Deacon, Terrence W. €8,95 Bekijk
Language and Human Behaviour Bickerton, Derek €8,50 Bekijk
The Penguin Rhyming Dictionary Fergusson, Rosalind €7,95 Bekijk
Talk, Talk, Talk: An Investigation into the Mystery of Speech Ingram, Jay €6,95 Bekijk
Language Instinct / The New Science of Language and Mind Pinker, Steven €6,95 Bekijk
Mind, Language and Society Searle, John Rogers €6,95 Bekijk
Taal is zeg maar echt mijn ding Cornelisse, Paulien €5,00 Bekijk

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