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248 titels gevonden

Titel Schrijver Prijs Datum
Time Warped - Unlocking the Mysteries of Time Perception Claudia Hammond €11,70 Bekijk
The Infinity Puzzle - The personalities, politics, and extraordinary science behind the Higgs boson Close, Frank (Professor of Theoretical Physics, Oxford University, and Fellow in Physics, Exeter College, Oxford) €10,00 Bekijk
The Art of Genes - How Organisms Make Themselves Coen, Enrico (Research Scientist at the John Innes Centre, Norwich, and Professor of Biology, Research Scientist at the John Innes Centre, Norwich, and Professor of Biology, University of East Anglia) €12,50 Bekijk
Conway Morris, S: Crucible of Creation / The Burgess Shale and the Rise of Animals Conway Morris, Simon €10,00 Bekijk
The Book of Cranes Cooley, Clare €6,50 Bekijk
Delusions of Gender - The Real Science Behind Sex Differences Cordelia Fine €7,95 Bekijk
Sterren: geboorte leven en dood Couper €5,00 Bekijk
Natural Selection Darwin, Charles €4,00 Bekijk
Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, Delusion and the Appetite for Wonder Dawkins, Richard €11,95 Bekijk
The Pocket Watchmaker (Penguin 60s) Dawkins, Richard €4,00 Bekijk
The Blind Watchmaker Dawkins, Richard €6,00 Bekijk
The Selfish Gene Dawkins, Richard €6,50 Bekijk
River Out of Eden / A Darwinian View of Life Dawkins, Richard €6,95 Bekijk
The Symbolic Species: The Co Evolution Of Language And The Human Brain Deacon, Terrence W. €8,95 Bekijk
Kleine orchideeëngids voor boven de grote rivieren Dekker, Hans €6,50 Bekijk
De Kikvors en andere beesten Dekkers, Midas €5,00 Bekijk
Guns, Germs and Steel Diamond, Jared €5,75 Bekijk
Guns, Germs & Steel - The Fates of Human Societies / The Fates of Human Societies Diamond, Jared €14,50 Bekijk
L'encyclopédie Diderot et D'Alembert. Sciences Diderot, Denis €15,00 Bekijk
De mechanisering van het wereldbeeld Dijksterhuis, E.J. €37,50 Bekijk

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