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246 titels gevonden

Titel Schrijver Prijs Datum
The Infinity Puzzle - The personalities, politics, and extraordinary science behind the Higgs boson Close, Frank (Professor of Theoretical Physics, Oxford University, and Fellow in Physics, Exeter College, Oxford) €10,00 Bekijk
The Hominid Gang: Behind the Scenes in the Search for Human Origins Willis, Delta €7,95 Bekijk
The Great Northern Railway: A History Hidy,, Ralph Willard €15,00 Bekijk
The Functional Treatment of Parsing Rene Leermakers €45,00 Bekijk
The Evolution of Communication Marc D. (Harvard University) Hauser €15,00 Bekijk
The elegant universe: Superstrings, hidden dimensions, and the quest for the ultimate theory Greene, Brian €20,00 Bekijk
The Classic Civil Aircraft Guide Donald, David €9,90 Bekijk
The Book of Cranes Cooley, Clare €6,50 Bekijk
The Blind Watchmaker Dawkins, Richard €6,00 Bekijk
The Blank Slate Pinker, Steven €6,95 Bekijk
The Birth Of The Mind / How A Tiny Number of Genes Creates the Complexities of Human Thought Marcus, Gary F. €11,00 Bekijk
The Art of Genes - How Organisms Make Themselves Coen, Enrico (Research Scientist at the John Innes Centre, Norwich, and Professor of Biology, Research Scientist at the John Innes Centre, Norwich, and Professor of Biology, University of East Anglia) €12,50 Bekijk
The Aquatic Ape: A Theory Of Human Evolution Morgan, Elaine €8,50 Bekijk
The Anatomy Coloring Book Wynn; Elson Kapit €11,95 Bekijk
Talk, Talk, Talk: An Investigation into the Mystery of Speech Ingram, Jay €6,95 Bekijk
Stoppen op doorreis Sluiter €8,95 Bekijk
Stikvallei Westerman, Frank €5,50 Bekijk
Sterren: geboorte leven en dood Couper €5,00 Bekijk
Spiegelbeeld der wetenschap het genootschap ter bevordering van natuur-, genees- en heelkunde 1790-1990 Berkel, K. van €6,95 Bekijk
Smit 150 / 1 Anderhalve eeuw maritieme dienstverlening Oosterwijk, Bram €10,00 Bekijk

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