Primary Colors: A Novel of Politics

ISBN 9780679448594
Uitgever Random House
Taal Engels
Categorie Fiction, Politics
Meer info 1996, hardcover with dust jacket, spots on edge, good copy
Extra informatie The famous -- or infamous -- roman a clef about the 1992 Clinton presidential campaign. You've read the hype; now read the book. Primary Colors has its rich rewards as a savvy insider's look at life on the stump. But it travels far beyond mere gossip and expose and discovers a convincing world of its own, peopled by smart cookies, nutcases, and wheeler-dealers, whose public and private lives illuminate each other -- sometimes by casting dark shadows. This story spans the novelistic spectrum from bedroom farce to high moral drama, and it paints a picture of the political state of the nation so vivid and authentic that one finds in it the deepest kind of truth -- the kind of truth that only fiction can tell.

€ 7,25


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