Foucault's Pendulum
Eco, Umberto

ISBN 9780330317009
Uitgever Picador
Taal Engels
Categorie romans,Mystery, Historical Fiction, Historische Fictie, Classics, Italian Literature, Thriller
Meer info 1989, pocket, shelf wear, good copy
Extra informatie Three clever editors (who have spent altogether too much time reviewing crackpot manuscripts on the occult by fanatics and dilettantes) decide to have a little fun. They are inspired by an extraordinary fable they heard years before from a suspiciously natty colonel, who claimed to know of a mystic source of power greater than atomic energy. On a lark, the editors begin randomly feeding esoteric bits of knowledge into an incredible computer capable of inventing connections between all their entries. What they believe they are creating is a long, lazy game - until the game starts taking over... Here is an incredible journey of thought and history, memory and fantasy, a tour de force as enthralling as anything Umberto Eco—or indeed anyone—has ever devised.

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