Cosmos and Psyche - Intimations of a New World View
Tarnas, Richard

ISBN 9780452288591
Uitgever Plume
Taal Engels
Categorie Filosofie algemeen,Astrology, Philosophy, Psychology, Spirituality, History, Science, Astrologie, psychologie
Meer info 2007, paperback, good copy
Extra informatie From a philosopher whose history of Western thought was praised by Joseph Campbell & Huston Smith comes a book tracing the connection between cosmic cycles & archetypal patterns of experience. Drawing on years of research & on thinkers from Plato to Jung, Tarnas explores the planetary correlations of epochal events like the French Revolution, the world wars & 9/11. Whether read as astrology updated for the quantum age or as a contemporary classic of spirituality, Cosmos & Psyche is an important work of sophistication & learning.

€ 10,00


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